Justin predicted issues with China in 2017 occurring in 2020

Ever since Donald Trump was elected as President I have been warning in my yearly predictions that year 3 to 4 would be filled with horrific events. I viewed Trump as having “War Energy”. I predicted he would be impeached. I also in several places kept saying within 3 years from 2017, which would be 2020, we would have massive issues with China. I have also mentioned in several places that China will manipulate our currency, that War is fought differently in the 21st century and will be fought through alternative means. I strongly believe I have been sensing issues with China and the Coronavirus. This is very much an attack on our economy. The Coronavirus began in China and has very much been a World War type of event. The big villains to America have been Russia, Iran, and China during the Trump Presidency.

A great tool on my website is to view https://justinchasemullins.com/blog from this point you can press ctrl and f at the same time. This is for a control find feature. You may search terms such as China, War, or whatever you choose. This helps you to scan through all of my predictions and articles. I have listed below inserts from my previous articles that may be a little repetitive, but I feel these are worth reading.

We will see something similar to a International New World Order in our life time. Those steps are very apparent with the purposed International Trade deals. Trump has President would lead to a war with Russia, with China as our enemy as well. Russia would be the aggressor, and China very patient before striking. "

My 2016-2017 predictions said this, I've previously discussed a link to Russia, the Hacking, Wiki-Leaks and Trump. Despite what one would assume from the outside that Trump and Russia will work great. I do see problems developing within about 3 years from now. There's a massive potential for a World War type of involvement. Where Russia and the United States would be more aggressive. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end.

To answer the big question. I do see our country in a conflict in the Middle East, we are going to be at odds with Russia. I see China not having our best interests in mind, but this will not be obvious China will manipulate currency. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end. China influences the world through currency, trade, and manipulation in the financial aspects. I've touched on several predictions. Review the links at the start of the article to review all that I've discussed previously. I'm hearing the first 100 days. You will 100% see protests in Washington DC. I see women walking in arms. This will have a link to Gay-Rights or a Gay-Protest. This will be an attempt at a peaceful protest. Expect major news in 2017 over Gay-Rights involving a potential bill or bill change. There will be protests also in San Francisco, and in Sanctuary cities. I've previously discussed a link to Russia, the Hacking, Wiki-Leaks and Trump. Despite what one would assume from the outside that Trump and Russia will work great. I do see problems developing within about 3 years from now. There's a massive potential for a World War type of involvement. Where Russia and the United States would be more aggressive. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end. There will also be more War in the Middle East in Israel. He will have massive change. It's going to be very tailored to what he wants.

I've previously discussed a link to Russia, the Hacking, Wiki-Leaks and Trump. Despite what one would assume from the outside that Trump and Russia will work great. I do see problems developing within about 3 years from now. There's a massive potential for a World War type of involvement. Where Russia and the United States would be more aggressive. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end. There will also be more War in the Middle East in Israel. The countries that keep me up at night are Russia, China, and Iran. Essentially, our next big war is going to be fought in the Middle East. But remember this, the world has greatly changed in the aspects of how wars are fought. Gone are the days of troves of military troops being dropped in locations for great battles. Wars now are fought by missile launches, cyber hacking, trade manipulation. China will not open and immediately be our enemy. Think of China as being patient, wanting to do deals, and waiting for the right moment to strike. While Russia is way more aggressive. I view Russia as great protectors of the Middle East, this is all about oil. China would turn on us when they see the right opening and the right moment. Our conflict with Russia will be more immediate, and happen before any conflict with China. Think of the conflict first occurring as military maneuvers, statements, and political games. Keep in mind that the nature of War has evolved in the 21st century. This conflict will not be cut and dry or like conflicts in the past. This will have many layers and play out over time.

Paranormal and the Afterlife

For those that investigate the paranormal. There's a few important things to keep in mind. It's not fun and games or entertainment. You are investigating the great unknown. In interacting with any potential Spirit that has not crossed over, there's a great deal of energy involved that is not always positive. The Spirit/person that has not crossed over is likely fighting a battle of not wanting to move forward, living an experience of reliving mistakes in their life or even experiences in their life that are prohibiting them from moving into the light. What phenomenon are you actually investigating? The phenomenon could potentially be a leak in the fabric of time where people and events of the past or interacting with the present. Perhaps we are the ghosts to them? Perhaps the phenomenon is more residual. Energy that is playing events like a loop where the potential Spirits/People are not aware of the investigator.

Another phenomenon to consider is the Spirit/Person may have crossed over, but are able to travel through portals and doorways. They may not be in need or in need of help. But rather greeting someone who is calling out to them or visiting their prior residence.

There's always a yin and yang. A light to the dark. Forces that you are investigating or seeking may not even be human. The darker forces are very methodical and powerful. But not as powerful as the forces of the light. Those forces are very dangerous. The darker have ways for destroying lives through depression, health problems, financial and relationship woes. Be careful about what you seek and communicate with.

Lastly, every Spirit/Person that is being investigated should be treated with the same love and compassion that you would treat your most treasured loved one. Everything that you are doing unknowingly is opening up doorways and making connections, both good and bad. Everyone is sensitive and throughout paranormal exposure can even become more heightened and aware of when activity is near. Certainly caution most always be used, regardless.

Through my work as a Medium in making connections with those that have passed and crossed over. The crossed over Spirit/Person comes from a place of love. When someone dies and crosses over. Typically, we will see that bright light. This is almost like a type of a rebirth. Sounds will be heightened. We are met by our loved ones who have passed. The white light is blinding and then our eyes adjust. Through the white light are people, and the longer you look, the more your eyes will adjust. The Afterlife will have similarities to this world in the aspect of having communities, there will be learning and ever evolving roles. Our loved ones reach out through various formats including dreams, animals, signs, numbers, and feelings. As a Medium, I see, hear, know, smell, and taste. Through communicating with those that have passed. It's like speaking another language and even learning another language. Oddly, it's not as different as dream interpretation or dreams. The Afterlife is similar to the format of dreaming, it's another dimension with different rules and laws. Those that have passed directly still interact and watch out for us in this world. Those that have passed are always very eager to make themselves known and communicate. Time does not have the same meaning in the Afterlife. People that have crossed over often take their younger forms. Although they will appear through dreams in their older forms or through a Mediumship session in their older forms with previous health issues as a way to make themselves known. Just because you die, does not mean that you are dead. Our loved ones are with us more than ever, and very aware of all that we are doing.