2022 Predictions and Beyond

I'm hearing baseball and split. This will involve the strike, split season, or some kind of extension.

"Tornado's", there will be a team called Tornado's, or some branding.

I'm hearing Kentucky blue, there will be a tragedy involving Kentucky, Law Enforcement, and the state.

A major event will have huge rain interrupting, this is non-sport related, think New Years Eve ball dropping as an example.

I hear the name Jessica, there will be a major tragedy with a murder or suicide involving a major actress.

Derek Jeter and Marlins, there will be a major change.

"Branding", Twitter will go through a major change.

Donald Trump and Commercial Interests.....

Tire recall, or major Tire News involving a change or innovation. Expect, automobile innovations.

As predicted many years ago in a prior post, Abortion will be returned to the states.

Joe Biden has only 4 years as President, and so does the Democrats.

Lots of powerful negative energy for the next President, expect major conflicts, changes, and world shaking.

There will be a tragedy at a sporting event involving an attack or incident.

Expect focus around Aretha Franklin and also holograms in general in the future.

SOFI will be hit hard in the next several years. I see SOFI being "milked" for money at the moment, the bank focus is all about revenue and boosting stock. Expect a major controversy to hit, a decline, Anthony Noto will eventually step down.

Lakers will have terminations, changes and shake ups all throughout the ranks. Coaches, GM, Players.

Lebron James will own a studio or production company. I hear two years left for him. His desire after sports is to produce, be an Owner, etc.

COVID will be around for the next several years, I hear 4 year run. This is all about world shaping, World Leaders wanting to become United, currency changes, etc. COVID is real, but there is political and world leader manipulation.

China will extend it's interests, and reach, reviling itself to be more of a World Villain. China operates through hacking, virus, politics, propaganda, and works against America through media manipulation.

When I focus on Putin and Russia, I'm seeing blood. Putin badly wants an invasion, I see an image of tanks. This is propaganda for his own EGO. He wants to have at least a small scale exercise, where he shows force. This is propaganda as well.

I see Joe Biden trying to stabilize some more of the radical movements in 2022, with a mantra of, "We aren't all that bad". I see the Democrats working to make peace with the people through Olive Branches, expect money to be given, attempts to lower inflation, gas prices etc. They are trying to regain trust. This is very much about the next election.

I see Donald Trump passing the torch, he will do allot of speaking in the next 3 years and events.

I don't feel like America will have all of it's 50 states United.

When I focus into 2022, I see an Earthquake that is devastating, there will be a major Storm/Tsunami, there will be supply chain struggles.

Expect a major car chase to occur in 2022 and also issues with a Sniper or shooter. I see a Semi Automatic gun.

Financial Debt and Credit Score will be reshaped.

In the future, the internet will be accessed through microchips inside of people. This will take many forms through masks, glasses, and the Internet will be something that we can access rather different. This is more like Minority Report type of technology.

Queen Elizabeth will pass and there will be a new King and/or Queen. This may take 1.5-2 years.

Predictions made in 2017 Update: Events in Minnesota and Tom Brady Leaving Patriots

The 2017 Predictions have been a rich treasure trove for events manifesting over the past several years. During readings, I often see events that will occur several years off. This blog will cover several events that have recently occurred in 2020 that I have not covered yet in prior blog entries. Everything is available by visiting https://justinchasemullins.com/blog , I recommend doing ctrl+F for search functions.

Terrorist activity. A major shooting will occur in Minnesota, North Carolina, Utah.

This is obviously going to be the horrific tragedy involving the murder of George Floyd, and the riots that are currently occurring in MN. The riots are very much domestic terrorism. I was shown terrorism energy and heard MN.

I see Tom Brady with a knee brace and elbow support. He will start to have injury problems and issues with his throwing arm in 2017. There will be a decline with his joints and bodies. He will start to miss more time during 2017. Once Brady show's a decline. The younger backup Quarterback will begin to get more attention and momentum. If Joshua McDaniel was smart enough to stay in place. He would be the eventual coach. He looks very linked to the 49'ers job. Bill Belichick will resign or retire a year after Tom leaves. Tom has until the 2018 season, ending in 2019. I see 2017, the current year as the last of their Super Bowl reign.

The Patriots won the Super Bowl in 2019, for the 2018 Season. I was seeing Tom Brady ending 2019 with the Patriots, which has occurred. He has joined Tampa Bay Bucs. I predicted that Belichick will leave one year after Brady.

Tim Tebow is on the path in the next several years of being married to a blond headed female. I see Tebow's family having a boy. He will have his own ministry or even host a Christian show. Think Joel Osteen.

Tim Tebow is recently married. It’s yet to be determined if he will have a boy and become similar to Joel Osteen.

A new Rocket and method of space travel will be announced. An official new space mission will be announced with a planetary visit. Hint: Mars.

Currently Elon Musk’s company is traveling to Space as of 5/30/2020 weekend with a planned space travel to Mars.

More Alien News will be covered by the Media. Expect to see more hints from major world Governments.

The CIA released footage in March/April 2020 of undentified flying objects.

Bill Murray will be linked to a new Ghostbusters movie or cartoon

Bill Murray is in fact appearing in the new Ghostbusters film that was announced for 2020 release, it may be moved to 2021.

A major female Opera singer will suddenly pass, or a hefty female singer in the music industry will suddenly pass from a sudden event death, such as Aretha Franklin.

Yes, Aretha sadly passed in I believe 2019.

In 2017, I said Lebron James, He will begin to have the injury bug. I see an issue with a finger on his shooting hand. I've previously predicted injury problems. He will eventually leave the Cav's within 2-3 years.

James went to the Lakers in 2019 season, and had injury problems during the 2019 season.

Justin predicted issues with China in 2017 occurring in 2020

Ever since Donald Trump was elected as President I have been warning in my yearly predictions that year 3 to 4 would be filled with horrific events. I viewed Trump as having “War Energy”. I predicted he would be impeached. I also in several places kept saying within 3 years from 2017, which would be 2020, we would have massive issues with China. I have also mentioned in several places that China will manipulate our currency, that War is fought differently in the 21st century and will be fought through alternative means. I strongly believe I have been sensing issues with China and the Coronavirus. This is very much an attack on our economy. The Coronavirus began in China and has very much been a World War type of event. The big villains to America have been Russia, Iran, and China during the Trump Presidency.

A great tool on my website is to view https://justinchasemullins.com/blog from this point you can press ctrl and f at the same time. This is for a control find feature. You may search terms such as China, War, or whatever you choose. This helps you to scan through all of my predictions and articles. I have listed below inserts from my previous articles that may be a little repetitive, but I feel these are worth reading.

We will see something similar to a International New World Order in our life time. Those steps are very apparent with the purposed International Trade deals. Trump has President would lead to a war with Russia, with China as our enemy as well. Russia would be the aggressor, and China very patient before striking. "

My 2016-2017 predictions said this, I've previously discussed a link to Russia, the Hacking, Wiki-Leaks and Trump. Despite what one would assume from the outside that Trump and Russia will work great. I do see problems developing within about 3 years from now. There's a massive potential for a World War type of involvement. Where Russia and the United States would be more aggressive. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end.

To answer the big question. I do see our country in a conflict in the Middle East, we are going to be at odds with Russia. I see China not having our best interests in mind, but this will not be obvious China will manipulate currency. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end. China influences the world through currency, trade, and manipulation in the financial aspects. I've touched on several predictions. Review the links at the start of the article to review all that I've discussed previously. I'm hearing the first 100 days. You will 100% see protests in Washington DC. I see women walking in arms. This will have a link to Gay-Rights or a Gay-Protest. This will be an attempt at a peaceful protest. Expect major news in 2017 over Gay-Rights involving a potential bill or bill change. There will be protests also in San Francisco, and in Sanctuary cities. I've previously discussed a link to Russia, the Hacking, Wiki-Leaks and Trump. Despite what one would assume from the outside that Trump and Russia will work great. I do see problems developing within about 3 years from now. There's a massive potential for a World War type of involvement. Where Russia and the United States would be more aggressive. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end. There will also be more War in the Middle East in Israel. He will have massive change. It's going to be very tailored to what he wants.

I've previously discussed a link to Russia, the Hacking, Wiki-Leaks and Trump. Despite what one would assume from the outside that Trump and Russia will work great. I do see problems developing within about 3 years from now. There's a massive potential for a World War type of involvement. Where Russia and the United States would be more aggressive. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end. There will also be more War in the Middle East in Israel. The countries that keep me up at night are Russia, China, and Iran. Essentially, our next big war is going to be fought in the Middle East. But remember this, the world has greatly changed in the aspects of how wars are fought. Gone are the days of troves of military troops being dropped in locations for great battles. Wars now are fought by missile launches, cyber hacking, trade manipulation. China will not open and immediately be our enemy. Think of China as being patient, wanting to do deals, and waiting for the right moment to strike. While Russia is way more aggressive. I view Russia as great protectors of the Middle East, this is all about oil. China would turn on us when they see the right opening and the right moment. Our conflict with Russia will be more immediate, and happen before any conflict with China. Think of the conflict first occurring as military maneuvers, statements, and political games. Keep in mind that the nature of War has evolved in the 21st century. This conflict will not be cut and dry or like conflicts in the past. This will have many layers and play out over time.

2020 Predictions

The Megan Markle and Prince Harry marriage is not going to last. I see her energy as being very frustrated, he's in retreat mode and doing all that he can to keep her happy. She's distant and looking at her options. She's not happy with having to take a back seat in the royal family. During the 2017 Predictions I said, " I also see Harry rushing to get married, have a baby, and fast track things. The issue with this is, he's not allowing things to flow very naturally. There will be a phase of unhappiness by age 34 with his life. Expect to see him taking lots of trips, or even re-exploring the military, and other such avenues."

The Dolphins will select a QB in the draft.

I see a city with a D name as a site of a terrorist attack, with a Texas influence such as Dallas, Montreal Canada stands out, Michigan such as Deerborn

Expect new Jaw's movie announced.

Trump will have a baby announcement in his family from one of his children.

I'm seeing more fires and one burning out of control. Foul play is suspected.

A famous actress will have issues with breast implants or a reduction.

There will be a tabloid with Leonardo DiCaprio and a bi rumor, he will play a LGBT character on film.

A city or town will be devastated by a hurricane, this is an island or coastal type of feel, with a foreign energy. When I mean devastated, wiped out similar to prior disasters with Tsunami comparable to Haiti disaster.

Troy Aikman will be linked to a front office type of role.

The Trump impeachment is something that I've been seeing since start of his term, it’s been predicted and covered throughout many blogs on my site, this occurred in December 2018, I was predicting year 3 of the Presidency. He's in a position now where he will tried to be pushed out and smeared as much as possible to damage the next election.

I'm seeing a knife that folds like a barber knife, there will be a murder committed that way, or connections to an old murder committed that way.

Brad Pitt will be linked to a new relationship, but his heart won't be in it. He will have a health scare and emergency procedure in the future.

Despite their public image, I see a divide with Chip and Johanna Gaines, I predicted a divorce that will take place in the future "think 2-3 more years", but I'm sensing a divide in their marriage already, some distance. Think in terms of their brand and image telling a different story.

I see like a putt putt type of golf championship or show based around putt putt.

George Clooney feels not well, there's fatigue around him, slowness, a lost of joy with his marriage. Johnny Depp will be linked to hardcore drugs with needles.

Expect to see more terrorist attacks in 2020 overseas in cities such as France and Germany. There will be a bomb threat/scare in Midwest, I see a bomb energy.

I keep on seeing rising waters and issues with big waves. There is going to be something huge involving that. Old news or scandal on JFK will emerge.

There is evidence on Jack the Ripper buried with a body. Expect a grave to be exhumed, this may take years to manifest.

Jon Benet Ramsey's killer was a male very closer to her, feels like a father energy, and Canadian energy around this case. I’m saying it was the Father.

Expect a record snow storm for this year.

The Capital will be protested by large groups of women, there's also going to be a riot during protest.

The Middle East will have all kinds of different countries involved with attacks and interaction. Expect NATO to be involved.

Trumps older son will be caught in a lie and have marriage problems.

I see an image of Derek Jeter. This may not literally be Derek Jeter but a symbol for an athlete from the 90s to 2000s dying shockingly and tragically before his time. This will be someone near the top of his sport. I see and hear 40s, athlete shocking death. I’m seeing an image of jet skis crashing. It will be via a sudden crash.

Justin's Prediction on President Trump Impeachment Confirmation

As reported by major media outlets, President Trump was impeached. You can read more about the story by clicking here . Believe it or not, this is something that I’ve been sensing ever since his election down to this year.

During my 2017 Predictions I stated," Updated 2/12/2017 President Trump is at a cross roads. What I mean by this is, if he makes a huge mistake or the wrong comment, I see his own party turning on him. An impeachment is being set up. I also see several different scenario's. The first is only one term, I see a similar statement as, "I wanted to make America Great Again, serve my country, I did what I set out to do." I also see another scenario, depending upon the division where he would even step down. He has to be very cautious in his choices and behavior. Because lasting an entire term is going to be very difficult. His own party is itching to remove him. I did not see Hillary lasting a full term if she won the election. Previous predictions on where the country is headed on abortion, healthcare and etc appear to actually mirror the Trump administration. He has to be extremely careful, our country is very near multiple wars and conflicts. Think of it like this, his own party is waiting to remove him, he already has people who are agaisn't him who have went public, the rest are awaiting for their chance. Essentially, Paul Ryan and others does not want to hurt their political future by going against him now. His administration has to provide tangible, concrete flaws/scandals, once that happens, his own party will wash their hands. They badly want Pence in office. He will run an administration similar to Bush. Click here

Something I discussed in my 2017 predictions, but CNN is going to have a major change and changing of hands. That network is going to be revamped, rebooted, and could be even sold! Also expect a new Fox News type of network to emerge. This will be a brand new political network that is going to take stage in 2018. After the impeachment or resignation, I see Mike Pence being like the President Ford of his time. His energy is very brief. He will not be reelected. A Democratic President is next in line. I see African American energy and female energy too. Expect a very diverse ticket in the future. No matter who won the 2017 election, I was seeing an impeachment or resignation, this is what I would define as a set event. March 2018 also stands out as a very important time frame. The catalyst for the investigation is going to be financial based, specifically investments involving countries, corporations, and so on. I see a group of 4 men. One of the men is light skinned in his late 60's or 70's, with short receding gray or white hair, he's wearing a suit, and very thin. He is politically associated with President Trump. There will be allegations based upon Trump's prior and current investment. Expect to hear about huge conflicts of interest. This will be in several situations including prior investments, but also what his administration is doing for Corporations. This also more in line with what the people are doing who's working for him in The White House. His approach is very hands off, essentially do what you have to do, but don't tell me. He's not a mastermind that is pulling the strings, but rather he's connected to politically some bad people in his circle. Click here

Justin Chase Mullins 2019 Predictions The Trump Impeachment will be in 2019 as discussed in other predictions on my website. Click here

Notre Dame Cathedral Fire

Since the time frame of 2015-2016, I have been sensing a major building being destroyed, I saw this as someone that would occur in Europe, and the visions involved the building burning. Under the 2016-2017 Predictions I wrote, “A famous building with ties to Italy, and/or Europe is going to be destroyed or vandalized. I see this being some type of clock tower or bell tower, near a church.  "

I saw the building being for example, like a dome or tower, with a religious connection. During the 2018 predictions, I wrote, A major building or landmark will burn down. “

Many predictions that I make on a personal level with clients and also through my website on a world level may take several years to unfold. In the frequency that I work in through Spirit, time does not mean the same as it does in this dimension and existence. This fire is truly a tragedy! I’m someone who loves history.

Source https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47941794

The future of Medicine and Space Travel

This is something that is more or less 20-30 years off in the future. The nature of medicine and healing is changing. Think of right now as being like the Dark Ages of medicine, we’re in a barbaric state of medicine, treatment and surgery. The future of medicine and healing is going to be through light. I see treatment taking places from certain frequencies of light that will stimulate healing, stop cancer growth and etc. I also see treatment’s regarding medication being like antibodies that are genetically created that are almost like an organic type of robotics.

Space travel like we see on Star Trek will never occur. The secret to Space Travel is through wormholes, dimensional traveling and so on. The future space crafts will also run from water. It will be possible to travel throughout the Universe through these dimensions, portals and even to access other dimensions.

Justin Chase Mullins 2019 Predictions

Hurricanes will hit the East Coast in the Carolina's

I am seeing a badge flip. There will be a person in power such as a Sheriff, FBI agent, there is going to be a double agent or controversy

There will be strange technologies that are developed for alternative traveling and vehicles that are going to look so odd.

I am seeing Nancy Pelosi and a pink house or room. She is going to be moving or changing decor. Being speaker of the house is almost like a retirement tour for her, it's vanity, and she will be sent off within a year or two. This is her last "run or ride".

I see an image of Anne Nicole Smith. There will be revelations about her suicide. Or someone of her magnitude or regard will commit suicide. She may be a symbol for model or actress.

A former Playboy playmate will make headlines.

Either Hugh Hefner's former home or an iconic home is going to be demolished or in flames

I am seeing a river with dead fish, I hear dam and reservoir

When I focus on Donald Trump, I see him as upset, with this intense glaring energy and the Wall-street bell is ringing. He's going to have this mindset of, I'll show everyone, I'll punish everyone. He's going to reach a place where the Government will come to even more of a halt after the shut down is resumed, to where there will be allegations against him, both parties will turn, and he will be forced to leave or impeached. Trump is going to be FURIOUS. He has so much lame duck Nixon energy, like he's all show and something is brewing

Freddie Mercury will have a tribute or new memorial

The Mets will make headlines. Tim Tebow will go from AA to Major leagues. A pitcher will also have tommy john surgery

The Dolphins will hire a woman in a major role.

A transgender person will have a position in a major sports organization front office

MTV will be revamped

Ford will be all in on electrical or alternative cars

Elon Musk will sell some shares. He will start a new business venture

There will be a shift in power in England. Old guard to the new.

Money will wash on the shores

Japan will have fire or a disaster

China will have issues with currency and manipulation. They will also have alternative new transportion and metro technology

The Lions will have front office, ownership shakeups and new stadium

When I shift to terrorism, I see Virginia, Northern Virginia, Eastern Virginia. I see Capital. There will be another major college shooting. There's going to be something involving a place with the initials ST, State, ST. Memphis, New Mexico, Texas

There will be new information on JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald

Expect new information on Star Trek movie or TV Show

Ghost Hunter's paranormal show cast members will reemerge

A major donation will occur to charity

Disney is going to be in the news with new rides, themes, I see energy around Hulu.

There will be a disaster or tragedy involving surfing

Kansas will have a tragedy or disaster

California will have a shooting. More trees will burn

There will be ANOTHER government shut down. A major capital will also be attacked or have a bomb threat

Tom Brady is nearing retirement. I see about one year left. Drew Bree’s will have a major arm injury.

Russia is in more of a war like mode right now. I see an image of a sniper rifle, they are on alert, waiting in attack mode. China influences the world through currency, trade, and manipulation in the financial aspects.

Prediction Confirmation Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are expecting

I stated under the 2018 Predictions, “Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be expecting within a year. (I predicted their engagement and her leaving suits in the 2017 predictions)”

Congrats to the Royal Families fantastic news!

Source: http://www.tmz.com/2018/10/15/prince-harry-meghan-pregnant-expecting-first-baby/

2017-2018 Prediction Confirmations including Aretha Franklin's passing

President Trump

Highlights of 2014-2015 Predictions

Predictions for Late 2016-Early 2017

2015 Predictions Recap

Where Our Country is Headed on Major Issues

Future of Transportation

Future of Television

Predictions on Healthcare and Internet Regulations

After the Election

Trump, Clinton and the Presidency

The work that I do has nothing to do with me. This is a principal that I learned years ago upon doing readings. Followed by my newest lesson. I am not my abilities.  I am not my website. I am not even my name. I'm a spiritual being having a human experience, a soul, and a spirit.  I am going to discuss several predictions from the period 2017-2018. One involves a prediction that came through on someones passing.  In private or group readings, I would never disclose any death predictions, that is highly unethical.  When I attempt to do world predictions, I tap into an energy for major events.  As a psychic medium, I have my own symbol set and I interpret messages.  Several years ago I made public predictions on a famous comedian passing during suicide, I saw an image of Jim Carrey. That same year, Robin Williams took his own life. Although, Jim Carrey's Ex Girlfriend took her life as well.  An example of symbols would be seeing Jim Carrey, but then he's a symbol for famous comedian.  That same year, I made a public prediction on my website about a blond star passing tragically, Paul Walker passed.  In my own life, I've had dreams of family members passing with a voice sorta narrating and sadly they have passed a month or two later. Recently, I dreamed that my sweet dog would pass and he did a week later. His death has been one of the hardest things in my life that I've ever dealt with.  In my bio, I discuss dreaming of two local murders before they happened as well in detail.  I'm not someone that would ever touch these subjects in private readings or ever answer questions on when someone will cross over. 

I do want to discuss several predictions for the sake of bringing awareness to the aspect of psychic ability.   I live in such a lovely area with amazing people. But something I encounter is such a stigma to psychic and mediumistic gifts. People tend to know who I am without an introduction being needed. I'm typically met with interest, followed by smirks, and whispers.  Everyone is a Spirit and Soul in a body. Intuition is part of your universal birthright. Everyone has abilities. So what I do, everyone is capable of on some level. I've also observed in doing this work that predictions may be off by a year.  Think of it like this, I'm tapping into different dimensions and frequencies. I'm only the messenger and vessel. Something may be explained as being a year, but occur for example a year and five months. 

I'm not someone who seeks attention in doing this work. In my profession there's so much of a me, me me type of energy, where it's all about the celebrity Medium what he or she can do. None of this work is about the Medium, it's all about God and Spirit.  This is a very special gift. As a Medium, I am connecting those to very special people that have crossed over. This is not for entertainment. This is a very powerful gift that I don't take for granted. I work with powerful forces. I am not very certain I would appear in the spotlight on an entertainment show at the moment. The biggest aspect to consider would be helping people, the focus of the project, and so on. It's important in doing this work to maintain a sense of humbleness and detachment from the EGO. A mantra I repeat before doing a reading is, it's not about Justin, it's not about me, it's all about Spirit.

Under 2017 Predictions I shared that Aretha Franklin would pass away.  I said, "A major female Opera singer will suddenly pass, or a hefty female singer in the music industry will suddenly pass from a sudden event death, such as Aretha Franklin. " She passed away 8-16-2018.  

George Clooney

I see an accident involving skiing or water skiing. I see George giving a thumbs up. He will be on a talk show, think Jimmy Fallon, telling a story and joking about the incident. I see an image of George surrounded by two models. Expect to hear rumors about another woman or a connection to another model.  The energy around Clooney's marriage or whatever romantic situation that he's in is about 4-5 years. This will end in divorce.   Validation is the accident: https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/10/europe/george-clooney-scooter-accident-italy-intl/index.html

I am going to share several prediction confirmations that I feel is worth mentioning. "I see a major hockey teams ownership stakes being sold.  A hockey team will also reclocate.  Las Vegas will have a hockey expansion team in the future.    Updated: Las Vegas has a hockey team, but the Oakland Raiders just announced they are moving to Vegas! That is likely what I was seeing a major sports team moving."  As a psychic medium, I heard Las Vegas, the sports aspect was a symbol showing a major team move to Las Vegas. (2017 Predictions)

The LA Lakers will experience a change in the Front Office, President or GM type of roles. The current Coach Luke Walton feels safe.  Los Angeles Lakers Governor Jeanie Buss announced today that the team has named Earvin "Magic" Johnson as President of Basketball Operations. In addition, General Manager Mitch Kupchak has been relieved of his duties, effective immediately. Furthermore, Jim Buss will no longer hold his role as Lakers Executive Vice President of Basketball Operations.  (2017 Predictions)

In 2017, I said Lebron James, He will begin to have the injury bug. I see an issue with a finger on his shooting hand. I've previously predicted injury problems.  He will eventually leave the Cav's within 2-3 years.  In 2018 Predictions, Lebron James will have a broken bone. He has 1 year or less left with the Caviler's.  They will have a front office or ownership change.  The validations are that he left for the Lakers. He also broke his hand in the NBA Finals by punching the wall after the first game loss. The Cav's had a change in the Front Office as well.

Major California fires in 2018.  This is occurring in the present.

There will be a standoff or conflict in Syria or Iraq involving Russia and the United States.   The validation is the United States bombed Syria (2018)

Ford will be sold or have a merger with another company, like they will acquire a car company. Ford had a change at CEO and also is not making some models of Ford cars. (2018)

Angelina Jolie will have issues with her health, I see news on an eating disorder, and also drug's involving needles.  (2017-2018)  She has made the news for eating disorder rumors.

Prediction Confirmed. Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Engagement and Marriage (2017-2018)

OJ Simpson Parole Prediction (2017)

Prior Predictions already covered 2017-2018

There will be a future scare involving a major Tennis match and a shooter, I see someone with a pistol. At the very least, you will see a shooting at a major sporting event. (A member of Congress was shot at softball practice for the annual Congressional game. This was the shooting at a major sports event) (2017 Predictions)
Golden State Warriors are NBA Champions (Under 2016-2017 Predictions)
Amazon bought Wholesale Foods (2017)
An area such as Miami, a coastal region will experience an exodus of refugees. (Trump was just in Miami and is undoing major Cuba agreements)  (2017)
UK Terrorist Attacks, United States, France, 2017
This was posted on April 17th.  Within 3-4 weeks of this post, a spree of terrorist attacks occurred throughout all of the countries that I mentioned, including the United States
(Within 2-3 weeks, I'm seeing another bombing or terrorist attack with Middle East connections. You will see another terrorist attack or strike in America on the Northern East Coast by Summer. This could be at the very least similar to previous attacks, rather than a 9-11 type of event. Think what has occurred over the past several years. I see a wave of energy where France will also be attacked. I see at least 29-30+ people murdered in a terrorist event. I see traffic, buses, and so on. There is also London/UK energy) (North Korea and Future Terrorist Attack Blog)
The United States just suffered a Congressman being shot.  Source
There was attacks in the UK, United States, France, all beginning 3 weeks from April 17th as stated.
These predictions were listed next to each other on the blog and occurred at the same time
(2017) A major building or landmark will burn down.   Grenfell Tower 2017
(2017) A major ship will be in the news.  This will be a modern ocean liner sinking.  US Ship Collision

I take no great comfort in predictions like this.  On April 17th I made several predictions under the blog titled The Future of North Korea.

The UK 2017
I predicted, "Within 2-3 weeks, I'm seeing another bombing or terrorist attack with Middle East connections.  You will see another terrorist attack or strike in America on the Northern East Coast by Summer. This could be at the very least similar to previous attacks, rather than a 9-11 type of event. Think what has occurred over the past several years.  I see a wave of energy where France will also be attacked. I see at least 29-30+ people murdered in a terrorist event. I see traffic, buses, and so on. There is also London/UK energy

A little over 3 weeks the Manchester UK terrorist attack occurred.  This matches the prediction based upon the location being in the UK, and the volume of those murdered. The outside of the concert had traffic, buses, and pure chaos. This was a horrible event in the UK.     

From my point of view as a Psychic Medium, when I attempt to make a connection and look at future events, the energy of something such as a massive attack easily appears. When doing the prediction, I heard 30+ people/London/Near 3+ weeks.  I also see energy as the prediction stated for an event in America by Summer and another in France. These are all for the short-term future which is 2017, and possibility 2018.

The June 3rd 2017 Terrorist Attack
This attack closely matches what I was seeing with the cars, traffic, and etc.  London Bridge Terrorist Attack June 3rd 2017. The conclusion is I was seeing a combination of attacks in the UK.  The first piece of evidence that I saw was the death toll being 30+, that matches the Manchester attack.  The second piece of evidence is more relevant on the second attack with the cars, buses, and so on.  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/03/london-bridge-incident-armed-police-respond-several-people-mown/

July 6th Notre Dame Attack Paris France
Under 2015 Predictions I said, "A famous building with ties to Italy, and/or Europe is going to be destroyed or vandalized. I see this being some type of clock tower or bell tower, near a church.  " https://justinchasemullins.com/blog/2016/9/20/2015-predictions-recap

I also predicted in the article titled  The Future of North Korea. "I see a wave of energy where France will also be attacked." "http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/06/06/incident-reported-at-notre-dame-cathedral-in-paris-police-say.html

June 15th 2017
GOP House Whip Steve Scalise remains in critical condition after shooting at baseball practice.  
Original predictions included in 2017 Predictions stated, "I see a shooting at a major sports event."  Followed by the North Korea Predictions predicting a wave of terroist activity involving the UK, London, and a United States attack by Summer. I predicted this all would begin 3 weeks from April 17th. The events around a week after that timeline.

The below original post on Terrorism attacks was one paragraph. The post has been broken down in sentence form to site the sources for reference to validate the predictions. 

Terrorist related,  KY stands out, around the Fort Knox area.  

TN stands out, such as Nashville.  http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/22/us/tennessee-chattanooga-school-bus-accident/

At the very least, an area with Fort in the name or an F initial. 

Riots and Terrorism,  I look at SC, FL, GA, MA as potential spots. Expect renewed threats during the Boston Marathon.

I see information on a California Mall.   I see information on Seattle, and boats. 

Interesting: The mall shooting occurred in Washington two days after I posted the predictions. In the original post I had all of the terrorist activity posted in one paragraph.  Next to the California Mall sentence, I wrote, I see information on Seattle, and boats.  The boats could have been a reference to show Seattle Washington.  The shooting occurred at a Washington Mall.    http://abcnews.go.com/US/report-active-shooter-mall-burlington-washington/story?id=42321253

Johnny Depp
I am seeing Johnny having cancer or being associated with a cancer cause. This is associated to a female relative of his who's suffered through cancer. He's going through a personal period in his life to where he's challenged.  This will not be a career focused time in Johnny's life.  But rather, I see a purge of where he's selling assets or reducing some of his houses. This will be do to financial concerns and a financial purge. I see a connection between Depp and electric cars. He will become more environmental friendly.  His status as a major box office draw is going to begin to dwindle. I also see Depp becoming even more of a recluse. He will enter a period to where he goes into hiding or exits the spotlight. I would not be surprised if he takes several years off from acting in the future. Expect to see a few years out of the spotlight, he will focus on music. He will also spend time in a type of facility for emotional, and substance abuse.

Meghan Kelley

I predicted that she would leave Fox News for NBC in 2017.  She badly wants to be a Kelly Ripa type of celebrity with more of a daytime type of format.  She is not as connected to politics as she previously was. I see that as a stepping stone. She will have a politic involvement because that's what brought her to do the dance.  But I don't see her Day Time transition being great.

Bill O'Reilly

I am seeing him attached to a scandal that is unfavorable to his character and that will linger throughout 2017. I would not be shocked if he steps down from the show or has a type of hiatus. He's going through a transition period in his life where he will have a type of retirement from his current show format. I see more traveling, books, speaking engagements. The speaking engagements will be huge for him. I see a type of tour.

I've touched on several predictions. Review the links at the start of the article to review all that I've discussed previously. I'm hearing the first 100 days. You will 100% see protests in Washington DC. I see women walking in arms. This will have a link to Gay-Rights or a Gay-Protest. This will be an attempt at a peaceful protest. Expect major news in 2017 over Gay-Rights involving a potential bill or bill change.  There will be protests also in San Francisco, and in Sanctuary cities.  I've previously discussed a link to Russia, the Hacking, Wiki-Leaks and Trump.  Despite what one would assume from the outside that Trump and Russia will work great.  I do see problems developing within about 3 years from now.  There's a massive potential for a World War type of involvement. Where Russia and the United States would be more aggressive. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end.  There will also be more War in the Middle East in Israel. He will have massive change. It's going to be very tailored to what he wants. Expect to see massive building and construction too.   He will have a wave of his own executive orders. Trump will be signing a new trade agreement.  He will have a major healthcare plan that I've been discussing in another post.

I'm seeing information on a government regulated gun, or an official recommended gun for people to have. As crazy as this sounds, we will see a government gun program for an official fire arm.    https://kitup.military.com/2017/02/modular-handgun-system-2.html

He will also start to work on the major highways. I see a massive highway project from the East Coast to the West Coast.   I've discussed this in another post. But California will secede from the United States and be followed by at least three states in the future.